Is it really that time again?

Posted: 2024-07-24 / 2:11 PM

Listen up, crumbs! Yeah. It's that time again. I'm way too picky. Way.. too.. picky...
Did someone say.. website redesign again?! Oh.. boy..

In the end, it's I can't resist mixing things up.. as well I was never really satisfied with the name of this place, as well the design I landed on. It just doesn't feel "me" enough.


Let's do it again! Revamp, redo, rewrite, remix, remake! ... I'm surprised I thought of enough Re-words that fit this.
I just need to settle fully like: What do I want this place to be?

Well 1: It's my homepage on the internet. My me-page. My place to express myself with an identity that is Me.

So expect this place to change drastically over the next few months as I feel the urge to work on it. Whoooo!